Our Recommended Tools & Resources for Ecological Gardening

Over the years, I have used a ton of different tools and products through my work on Greentec Nursery and in our own gardens. I’ve learned what products work and which ones don’t, as well as which tools just make work easier. I’ve also come across a ton of websites, books and other informational resources that have guided me along my journey to increase the life and biodiversity in our landscape, and I’d like to share what I’ve discovered.

I started Paddle Creek Gardens as an information-sharing resource to get the word out on the benefits and methods of sustainable landscaping, with a particular focus on using native plants in landscape design for ecologically-beneficial, life-sustaining gardens that add to the preservation of life and biodiversity. I felt that helping everyone from home gardeners to professional landscapes to find the most useful, reliable tools and resources would be the way I could contribute the most to the cause.

We have employed sustainable practices on our family produce farm and in the nursery for years, always experimenting and trying new things. Through trial and error, learning from our successes and mistakes, we’ve learned the best ways to accomplish regular landscape and gardening tasks in the most economic and environmentally sound ways possible.

While some of the products and services I recommend contain affiliate links (Read our Affiliate Policy here), that isn’t strictly why we recommend products. All of the products I show in this section are products I have personally used, or at the very least have the intention of trying out myself. We will add and update recommendations as we come across them as well, maintaining this page as an ongoing “work-in-progress.”

Information and Resources

Recommended Books

Our recommended reading list, featuring the most helpful and informative books we’ve read. These books are the ones that have guided and formed our landscaping ethos.

Recommended Websites

Links out to the websites we’ve found informative and helpful, from organizations to online tools and informational resources.

Landscape & Garden Planning

Graph Pads, Notebooks & Other Planning Supplies

Site Surveying & Measuring Tools

Tools for General Garden Work

Hand Tools

Power Tools


Material Shredding

Habitat Support

Pollinator Houses


Bird Feeders

Seed Starting and Plant Propagation

Pots & Seed Trays

Potting Soil Mixes

Grow Lights

Grow Light Shelf Frames

Nutrition & Pest Control Products

Soil Improvement

Biological Pest Control

Organic Fertilizers

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